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Here you will find information on how to give to the work of Ryde Elim Pentecostal Church
As a Church we raise finance from our personal giving, we
believe that it is an important part of our worship and should be a regular part of life as believers. We appreciate and acknowledge the sacrificial giving when people give to the church. The tithes and gifts given are used to resource the church in all that we do. Without such provision the church would not be able to function as it does and we are grateful.
Sunday Offering
You can place Cash or Cheques in the offering bucket that comes around in the service (payable Ryde Elim)
Debit Card
You can give using your Debit card or contactless on your phone at the end of the service.
Bank Transfer
You can set up a standing order or a one off payment. Instruct your bank to make payment to the following account details.
Account Name: Elim Church Ryde
Sort Code: 30-97-21
Account no: 00078157
Bank: Lloyds
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